〔為什麼你要忽視別人努力的過去〕 . 十幾年前,曾經有個朋友說我很幸運,居然可以這麼”輕易”得到工作的機會,當時我不以為然,十年後我才恍然大悟,那些所謂的幸運,其實是我的”努力”得來的。但是別人打從心裡”沒興趣”也沒”義務”聽你訴說過去的風光偉業,因為他們只想要”出一口氣”,調侃別人讓自己好過一點。後來我也沒那位朋友繼續保持聯絡,繼續我的努力。 . 〔那些說你很幸運的人,其實根本就不了解你的努力〕 . 說真的,我也很清楚,那些說我幸運的人,事實上多少都有諷刺的意味,雖然我表面上表現的不在意(因為我還想繼續跟他做朋友),所以我選擇”忽略”,其實我心裡還是想回他幾句說:「也許你根本就不知道我的努力,只會說風涼話」,但.....說這麼多,別人也不見得會聽進去,因為他就是一股腦兒咬定你”幸運”!!所以後來我才選擇默默努力..慢慢進步。一直慢跑不要停,最後就會跑到終點。比起那些在路邊說你”幸運”的人,你有”權利”選擇關上耳朵,努力跑向終點。 . 〔因為我操作電腦不快,所以我努力〕 . 在當時的高中生涯,因為我很羨慕學長跟隔壁班同學操作電腦速度真的”很快”,便下定決心整個暑假都要去學校練習。當時1999年,家裡沒有電腦,我想要到學校電腦繪圖教室練習,只能先走路15分鐘到公車站,再坐公車15分鐘到火車站,再坐火車站到學校附近的車站,再從火車站走路35分鐘到學校。大約”單程”通車時間就需要一個小時的時間,我整個暑假就這樣跑去學校練習.大約都是等到傍晚,摸黑走路去火車站再回家。 . 〔〔因為我成績不好,所以勤跑圖書館〕 . 在學校我是老師們公認的”壞學生”,就是成績倒數一二名的那種,國文、英文、數學都不好,但相反的,我的電腦繪圖、素描、美術卻是前三名,就是那種典型的只要”術科”不要”學科”的學生。當時我還不知道嚴重性,只知道每天要畫畫,不管學科成績,一直高三差點畢不了業,還是去拜託科主任幫我換到我拿手的科目拿到學分才畢業...這也許是我一生的遺憾,年輕時不懂事,出了社會才發現”唸書”的重要性,為了要補償我高中的遺憾,我便開始跑城市裡面大大小小的圖書館,這也讓我培養出閱讀的興趣,甚至衍生出另外一個技能-速讀。從以前到現在,我大約看過600多本書,關於大眾心理學、偉人傳記、商業管理、國外翻譯中文書等等。並且盡可能的把這些知識運用在生活中。 . 〔因為我不了解社會變化,所以我去國際書展變成訂戶〕 . 這絕對是”刻意”的計畫...成功沒有僥倖,幸運也是。當別人說你幸運的時候,他們會認為你是僥倖得到,但只有你心裡最清楚,你是努力得到。所以我選擇先去”國際書展”看看我能做什麼?很”刻意”的,我成為Cheers快樂工作雜誌人的長年訂戶,一訂就是”十年”,因為當時我真的很需要我可以在社會上創造什麼價值,或是獲得更好的薪水。我從雜誌裡面開始剪貼我需要資訊、社團、畫重點,實做看看,這些所有的資料,我到現在都還留著。後來,因為我想幫助很多人,所以我參加公益團體,並在公益團體一待就是十年的時間,付出的努力與快樂的回憶,到現在都記憶猶新,當然也結交了很多國際間的好朋友,彼此也會幫助彼此。 因為我自己努力創造幸運的環境,所以我幸運 . 想得到幸運的”超能力”,無疑的就是要先擺脫負面的情緒,我也儘可能開始去接觸一些正面積極人,一些積極的事物。我覺得這個相當的重要,因為有時候我們的一些想法會決定我們的未來。所以那時,我便開始積極去整理我的環境,營造整潔的環境,開始積極去創造環境,開始讓自己可以離”幸運靠近一點”。說真的,剛開始做的時候,真的完全沒有任何感覺,我也有過自我懷疑,到底這樣做有沒有”效果”,因為短短一兩年的時間真的不會有太大的變化,漸漸的...五年後,我開始有跳躍式的成長,那種感覺就是像”複利”的成長,一下子爆發出來!!很多優質的資源跟人脈,一個個冒出來~有人想跟我”合作”,有人喜歡我的能力,有人願意給我機會,有人想要介紹”客戶”給我認識等等。 . 〔下次有人說你幸運,你可以回答”是”,是因為我很努力,機會才會向我靠近〕 . 所以現在,你可以改變觀念,讓自己擁抱且接受自己的”幸運”。那些在你身邊,喜歡說:「你真的很幸運誒!」的人,你再也不用含蓄地回答說:「也還好啦!沒什麼!」,你可以回答:「是!我很努力,才會得到幸運」。那麼眼前的那個會開始”認真”看到你,因為你再也不是你眼前這個人印象中的人,而是一位真的很努力得到幸運的人。
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[Why should you ignore the past of other people's efforts]
More than ten years ago, a friend once said that I was lucky enough to be able to get a job opportunity so "easy". At the time, I didn't take it seriously. Ten years later, I suddenly realized that the so-called luck was actually my "hard work". of. But others are "not interested" or "obliged" to listen to you tell about the great achievements of the past, because they just want to "take a breath" and make fun of others to make themselves feel better. Later, I did not continue to keep in touch with that friend and continue my efforts.
[Those who say you are lucky don't understand your efforts at all]
Seriously, I also know very well that those who say I am lucky are actually somewhat ironic, although I don't care on the surface (because I still want to continue to be friends with him), so I choose to "ignore" "In fact, I still want to say something back to him: "Maybe you don't know my efforts at all, and you will only speak slander", but... After saying so much, others may not listen, because he It just insists that you are "lucky"! ! So later I chose to work hard in silence. Slowly make progress. Keep jogging without stopping, and eventually you will run to the end. Compared to those who say you are "lucky" on the side of the road, you have the "right" to choose to close your ears and run hard to the finish line.
[Because I am not fast at operating the computer, so I try hard]
During my high school career at that time, because I was envious of the speed at which the seniors and the classmates in the next class could operate the computer "quickly", I made up my mind to go to school for practice throughout the summer vacation. At that time, in 1999, there was no computer at home. I wanted to practice in the computer graphics classroom of the school. I had to walk for 15 minutes to the bus station, then take the bus for 15 minutes to the train station, then take the train station to the station near the school, and then take the train from the train station. The station is a 35-minute walk to the school. It takes about an hour for the "one-way" train to open. I ran to school for practice throughout the summer vacation. I usually wait until the evening, walk to the train station in the dark, and then go home.
[[Because my grades are not good, so I run to the library frequently]
In school, I was recognized by the teachers as a "bad student", that is, the one with the lowest grades. I was not good at Chinese, English, and mathematics, but on the contrary, my computer graphics, sketching, and art were in the top three. , is the kind of typical student who only needs "technical subjects" and not "subjects". At that time, I didn't know the seriousness, I only knew that I had to paint every day, regardless of my academic grades, I was almost unable to graduate in the third year of high school, or I had to ask the director of the department to help me change to a subject I was good at and get credits before graduating... Maybe this is The regret of my life is that I was ignorant when I was young, and I only realized the importance of "reading" when I went out of society. In order to make up for my high school regrets, I started to run the libraries of various cities in the city, which also allowed me to cultivate reading skills. Interest, and even derived another skill - speed reading. From the past to the present, I have read more than 600 books on popular psychology, biographies of great people, business management, foreign translation of Chinese books and so on. And try to apply this knowledge in your life as much as possible.
[Because I don't understand social changes, I go to the International Book Fair and become a subscriber]
It's definitely a "deliberate" plan...success doesn't happen by chance, neither does luck. When people say you are lucky, they will think that you got it by chance, but only you know best in your heart that you got it by hard work. So I choose to go to the "International Book Fair" first to see what I can do? Very "deliberately", I became a long-term subscriber of Cheers happy work magazine people, one subscription is "ten years", because at that time I really needed what value I could create in society, or get a better salary. I started clipping the information, clubs, and key points I needed from the magazine, and I actually did it. I still have all these materials. Later, because I wanted to help many people, I joined a charitable organization and stayed there for ten years. The hard work and happy memories are still fresh in my memory. Of course, I also made a lot of international friends. Good friends, each other will help each other.
I am lucky because I work hard to create a lucky environment myself
In order to get lucky "superpowers", there is no doubt that we must first get rid of negative emotions. I also try to contact some positive people and positive things as much as possible. I think this is quite important, because sometimes some of our ideas will determine our future. So at that time, I began to actively organize my environment, create a tidy environment, began to actively create an environment, and began to allow myself to be closer to "lucky". To be honest, when I first started doing it, I really didn’t feel anything at all, and I also had self-doubts about whether this would have any “effect”, because it really wouldn’t have changed much in just one or two years. Gradually... After five years, I began to grow by leaps and bounds. That feeling was like "compound interest" growth, which burst out all of a sudden! ! Many high-quality resources and contacts have emerged one by one ~ some people want to "cooperate" with me, some people like my abilities, some people are willing to give me opportunities, some people want to introduce "customers" to me, and so on.
The next time someone says you're lucky, you can answer "yes", it's because I've worked hard and the opportunity is close to me
So now, you can change your mind and allow yourself to embrace and accept your "luck". Those around you who like to say, "You're really lucky!", you don't have to answer implicitly, "It's okay! It's nothing!", you can answer: "Yes! I'm very lucky!" Work hard and you will be lucky.” Then the person in front of you will start to see you "seriously", because you are no longer the person in the impression of the person in front of you, but a person who really works hard to get lucky.
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