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Personal Branding Course Trailer



Hello, I am Jackson Hsu

Decades of brand design, media reports, Google map local guide 8 stars Works: Ten Inspiring Courageous, FB Fan Group: I am Design Jackson logo, CIS corporate identity system design, webpage international visual designer

數十年品牌設計師、媒體報導、Google map在地嚮導8顆星、著作: 鼓舞人心的十個勇氣、FB粉絲團:我是設計傑克森,專長: logo、CIS企業識別系統設計、網頁國際視覺設計師



001-Why should I run a personal brand?

$400 USD


​In this generation, you need someone to help you make money and advertise 24 hours a day. Save time and cost. Many people have quietly built a personal brand and made a lot of money. Will you be next?



003-How to start my personal brand?

$400 USD


Many people say that I want to run a personal brand, but I don't know how to start? This class will teach you to build a personal brand step by step, making your future work easier and easier.



002-What are the benefits of running a personal brand?

$400 USD


​Use your personal brand professionally to help others solve problems they have been struggling with. Let customers come to you to do business naturally, is this what you want? Let the personal brand directly pick up the business for you!



004-How does personal branding benefit?

$400 USD


​After building a personal brand, how can I make money? How can I do business with others? How can I make my personal brand continue to expand. This class will teach you how it works!

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