About Google Local Guide - Jackson Hsu
關於Google 在地嚮導
On Google Maps, you can rate stars, write reviews, and take photos for different locations, stores, restaurants, etc., to help stores enhance their brand image.
Google Maps上為不同地點、商店、餐廳等,打星評分、撰寫評論、攝影,幫助店家提升品牌形象。

Why do I want
to do this?
I love to travel and I love to take pictures. I've been to Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Macau, etc... After contacting Google's local guide eight years ago, I found that it can add a lot of fun. I started to share a lot of photos on the Internet to enhance the image of the store and the image of the national tourist attractions.

photography for you
Take unique photos for you, storytelling photos. Atmospheric photos help you attract more consumers.

help you comment
By using your services and products, I will actually write reviews and let more people know what your advantages are.

give stars
Good reviews can be seen by people all over the world, and consumers will come to your store to consume because of the reviews. It will also refer to the evaluation to decide whether to go to spend.

Decades of brand designers, media reports
Google map local guide 9 stars
[Book: The Personal Brand Profitability Equation]
FB fan group + YouTube: I am Design Jackson
Expertise: logo, CIS corporate identity system design
Writing Hundreds - Writer
【數十年品牌設計師、媒體報導】,Google map在地嚮導9顆星,【著作: 個人品牌獲利方程式】,FB粉絲團+YouTube:我是設計傑克森,專長:logo, CIS企業識別系統設計,寫作百篇-作家

The photography equipment I use is an Apple iPhone 13 pro, and the photo quality is the same as a professional camera.

Through travel, we help more local stores take high-quality spatial photos, and people from more countries come to Australia to travel. These high-quality stores can be seen through Google Maps. Help enhance the brand image of Australian culture.
透過旅行的方式,幫助更多在地店家拍攝高質感的空間照片,更多國家的人來到澳洲旅行。可以透過Google Maps看到這些優質的店家。幫助提升澳洲文化的品牌形象。