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【Why do you need an English personalized signature】


. 大概20幾年前,我真覺得幹嘛要英文簽名,有中文簽名不就很方便了?我又不住國外,況且國內都需要的是中文簽名,所以我覺得”一點都不重要”。就這樣過了很久,也就習慣中文簽名在生活裡面。直到有一次到圖書館,看到藝術叢書裡面的英文簽名,用鋼筆細細畫過,那種流暢的美感跟藝術,一直到現在我還是無法忘記。從那時開始,大概是20年前,我就決定要好好”練習簽名”,我相信有朝一日,一定可以用得到。 . 然而,誰知道,這一練習,就是20年...剛開始我都只是”隨興”看到餐巾紙就練習英文簽名,或是畫畫的時候”順便”練習英文簽名,當我還不在意,這英文簽名將來可以做點什麼事情,所以就從小小的”餐巾紙”開始練習,接著換的紙張的尺寸越來越大,先是用印刷過的紙張背面練習”英文簽名”,接著買”便宜的”A4白紙500張,一張張慢慢練習簽名...後來覺得便宜的A4紙”簽”起來很沒質感,決定買DubleA的紙,磅數比較厚,簽名起來特”順手”,也特別舒服。所以從20年前就使用DubleA的紙一直到現在,然後簽名的紙張也從原本的10張、20張,甚至到現在500多張。每一張上面的簽名大約是10-20的簽名練習,結算起來大約是5000-10,000多次的英文簽名。20年後,回頭一看,才知道自己做了這麼驚人的小練習,那麼接下來,又發生什麼事情,讓我覺得”英文簽名”越來越重要? .

〔接著我有時候開始會用到〕 . 有時候會在國內”旅行”,那時候會使用”信用卡”結帳,而信用卡上面都需要我的簽名表示付款,我本來都是用”中文簽名”,也是非常習慣的,並不覺得自己”需要”做點什麼改變,習慣簽”中文名字”就覺得很受用。但有幾次開始有買一些國外的東西,需要在PDF檔案文件上面”簽名”,而且要求簽英文的名字,從那時候開始,我就意識到...或許是不是應該把英文簽名好好重視一番。接著我便開始”交叉”使用中英文簽名,在工作上,在買東西上面。 . 久而久之,我發現”國外市場”很是需要英文簽名,像是之前的在亞馬遜買的東西,就是需要英文簽名。不但如此,有些國內的一些國際飯店,其實也最好用”英文簽名”,慢慢我發現英文簽名越來越重要,越來越好用(因為筆劃比較少),簽名的速度也比較快。 .

〔我旅行簽信用卡的時候常常用到〕 . 有幾年我常出國旅行,像是長灘島、日本、澳門、澳洲等等。那時到該國家就很需要”英文簽名”。有一次在飯店準備要結帳等候的時候,看到前面一位外國人在信用卡簽帳單上面簽名,他就用筆左右畫兩下就完成簽名,我心想:「這樣也可以喔?!」,後來我開始研究簽名,而研究的方向是”設計師的簽名”跟”藝術家的簽名”,還有”藝人的簽名”,我發現外國人可能已經很習慣”英文簽名”,所以那簽名的速度真得相當的快,大概0.5秒就可以簽好一個名字。 . 我曾經問過我朋友:「他們這樣簽名可以嗎?」,他說:「只要筆跡是他本人,他愛怎麼簽就怎麼簽,不會相差太遠」。後來我才知道,那些”設計師的簽名”跟”藝術家的簽名”,還有”藝人的簽名”,都是簽過上百次的練習,才會達到0.5秒就簽好一個名的速度。 . 而到後來,我開始”模仿”他們簽名的速度,把自己的簽名寫得很快,再拿給飯店的櫃檯,也是過關。看來是可行的。 .

〔不知道簽名用什麼名字怎麼辦〕 . 那麼問題來了!很多人都不知道英文簽名要用什麼?那時候我在想,如果我常出國,我護照上面的中文名字英譯成英文名字,不是最好的英文名字簽名?我當時就是這樣想,我怎麼換,怎麼簽,都會是我自己護照上面的名字,外國人也一定可以理解。有些人不是!有些人是到國外讀書取了一個名字,然後用那個”英文名字”辦了很多當地的卡,然後生活。後來又到另一個國家工作,又用另外一個英文名字,又辦了一堆卡,之後離開那個國家之後,所有的卡片也都不能用,因為人家不認你的英文名字。 . 到最後,我就乾脆一點,直接用”護照”上的英譯名字,一點都不麻煩,而且還可以”長效”使用,到任何國家都可以過關。所以到最後,很多人都會問,我不知道取什麼英文名字,那就用護照上的英文名字,不是再簡單不過?或許你可以在你所處國家取個英文名字,那沒問題,但是辦卡片的時候,請你用護照上面的名字,不然以後出國是真的很麻煩.... .

〔後來到國外生活需求更大〕 . 之後來到澳洲生活後,有很多文件需要簽名,而且是規定一定要英文簽名。早在20年前,我就把我的簽名”練好”等著,這時候確實可以派上用場,而且簽名不會花很多時間。像是你要辦國際駕照,最底下欄位就需要你的英文簽名。還有申請類似”健保卡”的單子,最底下欄位也需要你的英文簽名,還有在銀行開戶,最下面確認欄位也是”英文簽名”,以及保險單子也是。任何你想得到,就是通通把”中文簽名”換成”英文簽名”。 . 有時候在餐廳消費,時不時用信卡結帳,就需要你的”英文簽名”,或是你可能上網訂東西,門口快遞需要你的簽名,也是”英文簽名”,生活上大大小小的事情,都是需要你的”英文簽名”。如果剛好你已經在國外長大的朋友,那恭喜你,你從小開始應該就很習慣”英文簽名”,一直到其他國家旅行的時候”英文簽名”也不讓你造成任何心理上的負擔。 .

〔國外那些商品原來簽名價值這麼大〕 . 另外我還觀察到一件事情,就是在國外很多一些商品上,都會有設計師的簽名,一方面代表負責、一方代表限量,也代表著價值。像是一些手工製作的包包,設計師也會在上面簽名。或是服裝設計師特別製作的晚禮服,也可能會在衣服的某處寫上自己的簽名,而變得更有價值。 . 而最常見的簽名是在一些”酒的包裝設計”上面,如果你仔細看看,你會發現酒的玻璃貼紙上面,都會有”釀酒師的簽名”,幾乎每一款”高級酒”都會特別印上”釀酒師的簽名”代表負責、代表品質保證、代表著歷久不衰經典傳承。像是經典跑車也會在車屁股上面簽上設計師的名字,增加其價值。 . 還有一些高級得鋼筆包裝,在封面也會印上”設計師的簽名”,藉此也能提升鋼筆的價值,或許本來這支鋼筆只需要幾百塊錢台幣,簽上名之後,就會變成幾千塊錢台幣。還有籃球明星的簽名球,也會因為球星的簽名而變得更有價值,還有他們簽名球衣,簽名球鞋等等。都是一再證明”簽名”的重要性。 . 以及藝術家的簽名,都會增加很多的價值。而那些”英文簽名”確實真的可以有很多的變化,因為筆劃簡單,變化性就大。

. 〔一個好的個性簽名可以增加很多附加價值〕 . 現在,你相信嗎?在你還沒成名之前,你的簽名或許一文不值,但誰知道呢?將來哪天你紅了!你火了!你簽過的衣服、筆記本、牆壁,或許會一堆人搶著要,只因為什麼?因為你的簽名會帶來巨大的價值跟龐大的獲利。 .


[About the English signature, I didn't think it was important in the past]


About 20 years ago, I really thought why do I need an English signature, isn't it convenient to have a Chinese signature? I don't live abroad, and I need Chinese signatures in China, so I think "it's not important at all". After a long time like this, I got used to Chinese signatures in my life. Until I went to the library once, I saw the English signature in the art series, and I drew it with a pen. I still can't forget the smooth beauty and art. Since then, about 20 years ago, I have decided to "practice signing", and I believe that one day, I will be able to use it.


However, who knows, this practice has been 20 years... At first, I just practiced the English signature when I saw a napkin or practiced the English signature when I was drawing when I didn't care, This English signature can do something in the future, so I started to practice from a small "napkin", and then changed the size of the paper to become larger and larger, first practice the "English signature" with the back of the printed paper, and then buy "cheap" 500 sheets of "A4 white paper", and slowly practice signing one by one... Later, I felt that the cheap A4 paper "signing" was very tasteless, so I decided to buy DubleA paper. Very comfortable. So from 20 years ago, DubleA paper has been used until now, and the signed paper has also increased from 10, 20, and even more than 500 now. Each signature above is about 10-20 signature exercises, and the settlement is about 5000-10,000+ English signatures. 20 years later, when I look back, I realize that I did such an amazing little exercise. Then, what happened next made me feel that "signature in English" is more and more important?


[Then I start to use it sometimes]


Sometimes I would "travel" in China, and then I would use a "credit card" to settle the bill, and my signature was required on the credit card to indicate payment. Need to "make some changes, get used to signing "Chinese name" and find it very useful. But a few times I started to buy some foreign goods, and I needed to "sign" on the PDF file, and I asked to sign my name in English. From then on, I realized... Maybe I should sign it in English. Pay attention. Then I started to "cross" use Chinese and English signatures, at work, and on shopping.


Over time, I found that "foreign markets" need English signatures very much. For example, things bought on Amazon before needing English signatures. Not only that, but some international hotels in China actually prefer to use "signature in English". Slowly, I found that the English signature is becoming more and more important and easier to use (because there are fewer strokes), and the speed of signing is faster.


[I often use it when I travel to sign a credit card]


For a few years, I often traveled abroad, such as Boracay, Japan, Macau, Australia, etc. At that time, the "English signature" is very necessary to the country. One time, when I was waiting for the checkout in a hotel, I saw a foreigner in front of me signing a credit card statement, and he drew his signature twice with a pen. ”, and then I began to study the signature, and the research direction was “designer’s signature”, “artist’s signature”, and “artist’s signature”, I found that foreigners may have been used to “English signature”, so the signature The speed is really quite fast, about 0.5 seconds to sign a name.


I once asked my friend, "Can they sign like this?", he said, "As long as the handwriting is his own, he can sign as he likes, it won't be too far off." Later, I learned that those "designer's signature", "artist's signature", and "artist's signature" are all signed hundreds of times before reaching the speed of signing a name in 0.5 seconds.


Later, I began to "imitate" the speed of their signatures, wrote my own signature very quickly, and then took it to the counter of the hotel, which was also a clearance. It seems feasible.


[I don't know what name to use for the signature]


Then here comes the problem! Many people don't know what to use for an English signature. At that time, I was thinking, if I often go abroad, the Chinese name on my passport is translated into an English name, isn't it the best English name signature? That's what I thought at the time, how I change it, how I sign it, it will all be the name on my own passport, and foreigners can understand it. Some people are not! Some people go abroad to study to get a name and then use that "English name" to get a lot of local cards, and then live. Later, I went to work in another country, used another English name, and got a bunch of cards. After I left that country, I couldn't use all the cards because people didn't recognize my English name.


In the end, I will simply use the English translation of the name on the "passport". It is not troublesome at all, and it can also be used "long-term", so that you can pass the customs in any country. So in the end, many people will ask, I don't know what English name to choose, so use the English name on the passport, isn't it easy? Maybe you can take an English name in the country where you live, that's fine, but when you apply for a card, please use the name on your passport, otherwise, it will be really troublesome to go abroad in the future...


[The demand for living abroad is greater later]


After coming to live in Australia, there are many documents that need to be signed, and it is stipulated that they must be signed in English. As early as 20 years ago, I had my autograph "practiced" and waited, and that's when it really came in handy, and autographing didn't take a lot of time. For example, if you want to apply for an international driver's license, your English signature is required in the bottom column. There is also a form for applying for a "health insurance card", the bottom field also requires your English signature, and when opening an account in a bank, the bottom confirmation field is also "English signature", as well as the insurance policy. Anything you want is to replace "Chinese signature" with "English signature".


Sometimes when you spend in a restaurant and check out with a credit card from time to time, you need your "English signature", or you may order something online, and the door courier needs your signature, which is also an "English signature", big and small things in life. , all require your "English signature". If you happen to be friends who have grown up abroad, congratulations, you should be very accustomed to "signing in English" since you were a child, and "signing in English" will not cause you any psychological burden until you travel to other countries.


[The original signature value of those foreign products is so great]


In addition, I also observed one thing, that is, many products abroad will have the designer's signature, on the one hand, it represents the responsibility, the other represents the limited quantity, and it also represents the value. Like some handmade bags, the designer will also sign it. Or the evening dress specially made by the costume designer, it may also be more valuable by writing his own signature somewhere on the clothes.


The most common signatures are on some "wine packaging designs". If you look closely, you will find that there will be a "winemaker's signature" on the glass stickers of the wine, and almost every "advanced wine" will be special. The "winemaker's signature" is printed on it to represent responsibility, quality assurance, and timeless classic heritage. For example, classic sports cars will also have the designer's name signed on the butt of the car to increase its value.


There are also some high-end pen packaging, and the "designer's signature" will also be printed on the cover, which can also increase the value of the pen. Maybe this pen originally only cost a few hundred NT dollars. Turned into thousands of Taiwan dollars. There are also basketball stars' signed balls, which will also become more valuable because of the star's signature, as well as their signed jerseys, signed shoes, and so on. It's time and again to prove the importance of "signature".


As well as the artist's signature will add a lot of value. And those "English signatures" can really have a lot of changes, because the strokes are simple and the variability is great.


[A good personality signature can add a lot of added value]


Now, do you believe it? Your signature may be worthless until you're famous, but who knows? One day in the future you will be red! You are on fire! Clothes, notebooks, and walls that you have signed, maybe a bunch of people is

rushing for them, just because of what? Because your signature will bring huge value and huge profits.



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